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Ain't It Heavy

Love Over Gravity started in late 1996 by singer Danny Archer, guitarist Keith Douglass, and drummer Keith Foster in Jackson, TN. The trio began to record demos at Rodeo Drive Studios. Soon bass player Jason Robertson joined the lineup, and the band started performing locally. Eventually, Foster would leave to join fellow Jacksonians Full Devil Jacket, and Love Over Gravity would eventually disband.

Three years later, Danny Archer would continue working on the Rodeo Drive demos using different musicians in the Jackson area with plans to resurrect Love Over Gravity. Now living in Nashville, Danny would team up with a long-time friend and drummer, Alan White, as well as guitarist (and cousin) Greg Scallions. The new trio continued writing and recording at Rodeo Drive on what would be their debut album, “A View From Inside.”


After using temporary bass player Andy Dixon (who finished up the bass tracks on the album) for a few initial shows, the band went on the search for a permanent bass player. After auditioning various bassists, Brad Singleton (also originally from Jackson, TN) joined the band. The CD was released, and the band toured to promote it. The band also used a new medium in order to expand their reach, especially for an unsigned act massively. That new tool was the internet. Via websites, chat rooms, and word of mouth that is always attached to such things, the band sold copies of their debut album internationally, which was not the norm then. Overall, the band sold just short of 3000 copies of their unsigned debut album.

The band spent the next couple of years touring, writing, and rehearsing. White would eventually leave the band after co-writing some of the band’s favorite songs. As if coming full circle, Keith Foster would once again occupy the drum throne for Love Over Gravity. A chance meeting would allow Singleton to cross paths with renowned producer Michael Wagener. After hearing samples of the band’s debut album, Wagner would suggest that the band record a few demos at his Nashville-based WireWorld Studio. After recording the first song, Wagener changed the idea for a three-song demo into “Let’s do an album.”


The band would spend the next several months writing and re-writing songs for the proposed album. A low-budget (but decent looking for the time) video was even shot for the song “Wasted.” Eight songs in total were recorded, with a ninth started. Unfortunately, **** happens. Some of the members left amidst the recording process and the remaining ones couldn’t fill the positions in time before the momentum had all but died. Love Over Gravity slowly faded away.

Fast Forward: In 2023, Danny Archer dusted off the demos and, with help from producer Michael Wagener, tweaked and mastered the lost WireWorld tapes in order to release them for anyone who cares to listen finally. Call it personal nostalgia or whatever, but good songs should be heard. Period.


Enjoy… or don’t. Your call 😊

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